Amethyst and Tyrell had the most beautiful and unique wedding. If you read my last blog post about Amethyst and Tyrell you have a little bit of insight into their relationship, but let me tell you something more.

Amethyst is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. She is soft spoken, but has a beaming personality. Amethyst is the type of person that makes everyone feel like someone.

Tyrell was more reserved when we met him and it took a little longer to get to know him, but he radiates personality as we saw his unique personal touches throughout the wedding day. He has quite the sense of humor and he was a take me as I am kind of man.

Watching these two together and seeing their relationship from the outside was so beautiful. While we were taking bridal pictures one of Tyrell’s unique touches was to wear one sleeve rolled up and we noticed a few minutes in his toothpick he had sitting behind his ear. He later asked us if we could take some pictures of him barefoot. These were all Tyrell’s personal touches and things unique to him, but after some thinking he said “I better ask Amethyst what she wants.” Despite having very specific and unique things he wanted to remember about his wedding day, but he wanted more than that to make Amethyst happy.

On their wedding day we started out at the temple. It was so nice to be back on the temple grounds with Covid-19 still rampaging throughout the world, but as those two walked out masks covering their faces, nothing could hide the joy that beamed between the two of them. As they pulled down their masks for a sweet kiss it seemed as though everything was back to normal.

After taking pictures at the temple grounds we headed over to the Venue in Rigby for their luncheon. Although they weren’t able to have a reception with all the family and friends they wanted, those closest to them still gathered in a small celebration of their love.

Joy filled the room as Amethyst and Tyrell entered. Nobody seemed to have a care in the world as family and friends ate and chatted away.

Despite the many nontraditional aspects of this wedding from Coronavirus, there was still a sense of normalcy as the couple had their first dance, sliced their cake, and participated in many reception traditions.

The details of this wedding were so beautiful! Amethyst’s ring was her grandmothers that she had passed down and the refreshments were none other than the crumble cookies that Amethyst was on her way to go get when she met Tyrell.

These two’s first dance was sweet as they swayed back and forth holding each other just enjoying each other’s company, but the romance was dancing to a different tune as Tyrell was spinning across the floor into Amethyst’s arms and marching across the floor like a tango. They were there to have fun, let’s be serious.

Everyone joined in after the first dance. All the tables were empty as everyone got up to dance. Everyone was there to enjoy Amethyst and Tyrell’s day.

Amethyst shared a sweet dance with her grandfather. Guests shared some laughs with Amethyst and Tyrell as they played the shoe game asking who would be more likely or who would rather in different situations. The cake was cut and served and now it was time for them to leave to their honeymoon.

To Amethyst and Tyrell,
We loved being a part of your special day and are so honored we got to spend it with you. We enjoyed getting to meet you and know you better and to see you in your element. We know you two will be great for each other as you continue to learn and grow together. May you always take good care of each other and continue to put each other’s desires over your own. We wish you many happy years ahead and a life full of memories that you will be able to reflect on fondly.
Jacom & Sarah
Sarah Stacey Photography
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