Jenny and Brian’s wedding left us speechless. From the moment we pulled up to their house to the moment we left everything about Jenny and Brian’s wedding was beautiful! Jenny had few requests when it came to her wedding day and what she wanted.

Jenny’s first requests was that she wanted some pictures taken with her husband and her kids with the 1950s Bently Rolls Royce they had to transport them to the wedding. Between Jenny’s beautiful ruffled dress that cascaded to the ground and Brians tuxedo fit for a king I couldn’t think of a classier couple to pair with a classic car.

Jenny’s second request was that we capture the day as it happened. Besides a few pictures before the wedding, Jenny wanted to be present with her friends and family for the wedding and she wanted to enjoy the day.

We loved getting to meet their two children Sarah and Jacob. Watching them dance with their parents, lick the frosting off the cake, and try crackers off the charcuterie table that they didn’t like and spitting them out were just a few highlights of our night we spent with this beautiful family.

As much as we enjoyed the wedding, we enjoyed listening to Brian and Jenny’s story even more. Jenny was previously married, but unfortunately her husband passed away.

She had been working with Brian and eventually they started dating. According to their nanny, Jenny talked about feelings she had for Brian after their first date. According to Brian’s friends, Brian went from a man who didn’t express much emotion to a man who was suddenly in love with Jenny and her two beautiful children.

Jenny and Brian had their wedding all planned out for 2020… and then like many others, COVID-19 hit and because restrictions and Jenny’s strong desire to celebrate something so amazing, they decided to postpone… kind of.

Jenny had planned a trip to Las Vegas with Brian. She specifically told him she didn’t want to be home on the day they were supposed to be married moping around so they decided to go celebrate the weekend in Vegas.

Unbeknown to Brian, Jenny had already booked a wedding chapel in Vegas and had plans to elope as long as she could convince Brian. Shortly after arriving in Vegas, she pitched the idea. “What if we eloped?” Brian, being the logical man he is came up with excuses as to why this wouldn’t work.

What about a marriage license? What about our friends and family? What about booking a chapel? Jenny had it all planned out and eventually convinced Brian to go along with her idea to elope.

So there in the Las Vegas chapel, Jenny and Brian got married to each other. In front of each other and their officiant, Brian and Jenny were married.

One year later on their anniversary, still in the midst of COVID, we celebrated their first year of marriage, with friends and family. Jenny finally got to have the celebrations Jenny and Brian deserved.

Jenny, Brian, Sarah, Jacob we wish you many years full of licking the frosting, dancing like nobody is watching, celebrations, and more love than you know what to do with. We hope you never lose your ability to find the joy in the simple things, that you always find ways to show your love for each other, that you never lose your sense of adventure, and you always find new ways to surprise one another.

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