Amethyst and Tyrell have a love story from the movies. When I asked Amethyst if there was anything meaningful to their relationship I did not expect to get the answer I got, but with all good love stories it’s unique to them. Stay tuned for their wedding blog post to see what special item made it into their detail shots.

Amethyst was on her way to crumble cookies one night to get some of their delicious cookies, but upon leaving she noticed she had a flat tire, but like any good girl would she started to change the tire by herself. She pulled the flat off and worked on grabbing the spare tire out so she could be on her way.

As Amethyst was working on her car tire some strangers pulled in and of some strangers who helped. While the strangers were helping her to change her tire Tyrell stopped and offered to patch the hole in her tire so she wouldn’t need the spare.
He started asking questions about whether the tire had gone flat over night, if the tire was leaking slowly or if it had just suddenly gone flat. Amethyst replied “I’m a girl, I haven’t been checking my tire regularly,” to which Tyrell was not impressed. Amy states “he thought I was a total airhead after I said that.”
After they got the original tire on Amethyst was so grateful and asked if she could do anything to thank Tyrell for stopping to help her. You may be thinking at this point he asked her out on a date, but he didn’t. He awkwardly explained that if she ever needed anything she could stop by his house and explained where he lived and they didn’t speak again.

He awkwardly explained that if she ever needed anything she could stop by his house and explained where he lived and they didn’t speak again.

Until Tyrell found Amethyst on Facebook. After he found her on Facebook they chatted a little bit and then Tyrell got up the nerves to ask Amethyst for her number.

After he finally got Amy’s number he called to ask her on a date.

And just like the movies the rest was history.

[…] Amethyst and Tyrell Wedding – Rexburg Temple Wedding and the Venue Briggs Blessing Cora Senior Pictures Backyard Country Wedding Vosika Family Pictures Robin 1 year birthday Robin 1 year birthday Jenkins Graduation Briggs 3 and 5 months Tammy & Mike Engagements Miles Family Pictures Burton Family Pictures Burton Family Pictures Seeley Family Pictures Reeves Family Pictures Country First Look Kolton Mission Pictures http://Bigdaydecor.com Larson Family Pictures Larson Family Pictures Ricci Family Pictures Mike & Tammy Wedding […]